Friday, August 6, 2010

What gun would recommend for deer hunting what cal. brand and how long of barrel?

Im going to try deer hunting with a pistolWhat gun would recommend for deer hunting what cal. brand and how long of barrel?
The tried, true, tested, and proven to be the best no-nonsense man, and animal stopper the 357 Magnum with a 6 inch barrel with adjustable sights made by Smith %26amp; Wesson or Ruger.* Use the 158 grain jacketed hollow point for Hunting ammo.* Use the 125 grain jacketed hollow point for self-defense ammo.* Limit your shooting distance to no further than 50 yards when Hunting Deer.*What gun would recommend for deer hunting what cal. brand and how long of barrel?
I don't know what your price range is, but assuming you are looking for a really good reliable accurate deerslayer these are my picks: a s%26amp;w .500 magnum with an 8 inch barrel advantages are that it tops 2600 ft/lbs of force and is the most powerful commercial cartridge. It is like a .44 magnum on steroids. Another choice would be it's ';little'; brother .460 magnum. Again for this round I would pick an 8 inch barrel. It is a very fast cartridge and most people prefer it to the .500 for north American game. These are both revolvers so now I will pick a semiauto the Magnum Research Desert Eagle .50 action express. This is the least powerful gun I has mentioned so far but it is still bigger badder and more powerful than a .44 magnum. I would pick the six inch barrel for it. This is an incredible gun. It packs 7 rounds and has low recoil for a round of it's size. It is also VERY accurate. Magnum Research also makes a revolver they call the bfr. It is chambered for most of the hardhitting lever action rifle cartridges. I believe that if we are going to hunt an animal we should make sure it does not have to suffer to much before it dies. For that reason I think that even the ';massive'; .44 magnum is to small of a cartridge to humanely kill a deer.
Personally, I would never hunt a deer with a pistol. At least not without many hours of practice and shooting at silhouette targets, and practice at different ranges and different angles. Plenty has been written about the amount of energy required to kill an animal. Find out how much energy it takes to kill a a deer at the ranges you expect to shoot (being sure, naturally, that you can hit a deer at those ranges) and then get a pistol which will deliver that amount of energy at that range. There is a record of an elephant being killed by a .22 long rifle...but it took the elephant a few days to die and he died of peritonitis after his abdomen was penetrated. This is no way to kill an animal. Game deserves a quick, clean kill for many reasons, not the least of which is the preservation of the meat. The most efficient way would be to use a rifle. I've hunted for over 50 years, in Alaska, Africa, Canada, Europe and the northern USA. I've killed many animals and birds, but nothing bigger than a rabbit with a pistol.
(bangs head on keyboard) Dude. If you are that intent on hunting deer with a pistol, go read some of my other answers to your other question in the past couple of hours. Look and see what calibers T/C offers as off-the-shelf. Or go check out any of the dozens custom barrel makers. Don't get a revolver-based cartridge. .357 and .44 Mag are great for people. They will work in a carbine, or in a pistol in the hands of an experienced hunter. You are not an experienced hunter. You would be better served with a rifle. Preferably one with more than one shot. But if you really, really, really want to go after a deer with a pistol, look for a barrel that is set up in a cartridge made for hunting deer. 7TCU would be my minimum cartridge. You would probably be better off with 7-30 Waters, .30-30 Winchester, .300 Savage, or .35 Remington. All of those can be had in a contender. Or go with a slightly larger caliber in an encore. I would get a 14 inch barrel, and a 2x long eye relief scope. And then I would practice. And practice some more. I would shoot alt least 200 rounds with it once it was sighted in. Over several sessions. At different distances. If you are really and truly serious, I would look around for silohette shooting ranges, and practice shooting with it out to 200 yards. Frequently. Then, and only then, would I go out deer hunting. You are too new to all of this to go straight from the store out to the field. And it is unrealistic to expect to be successful hunting like that with no background. Go practice and learn what you are doing before going hunting. Deer season is too short to waste your time and effort on what will most likely be a doomed venture otherwise.
My dad hunts sometimes with a pistol. If only I could remember what cal. it is. 35? I think it is in the 30's anyway. with like an 8 inch barrel. I hope this helps. If your looking for a good rifle I'll tell you the 300 winchester mag works like a dream, or a 7mm :)
S%26amp;W .460 XVR Compensated Hunter Revolver

Barrel Length: 10.5';


The .500 AE and Desert Eagle are inferior to the .44 Magnum for hunting.

The marginal extra muzzle energy is trumped by less bullet drop, more retained energy, greater penetration, and wider selection of appropriate hunting bullets. The ';Deagle'; is only ever advocated by fanboyz playing way too much Counter Strike.
I would suggest a .44 mag with at least a 7 1/2'; barrel. Plenty of knock down power, and pretty good range too.
is it legal to use a AK pistol to hunt with in your state? because 7.62x39mm is ok for deer in most states as a rifle round, so I figure if a pistol was in that, then it must also be ok too.鈥?/a>


7.62x39mm semiautomatic

9.5'; chrome lined barrel

5-75 round capacity. (depending on magazine)

its also a pretty cool looking gun to have.

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