Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do you think about fox hunting?

Personally, I think its barbaric. Anyone who takes enjoyment out of slowly killing an animal is sick-minded.

does anyone else get annoyed by the slogan ';fight prejudice, fight the ban';? what is that all about?

anyway, i'd be interested in your views and anyone 'for' fox-hunting to give a good reason why.What do you think about fox hunting?
Its horrible. The whole pest buissness is ridiculous. If they were a pest why do they need to be chased by dogs until exausted and then ripped apart. This is quite close to my heart my mother was running as a fox hunt was on and saw a fox chased. Later she saw it exhausted and dying because of it . How is that at all justifiable it is just barbaric and power hungry. '; fight prejudice fight the ban'; what a load of .. . If it was tradition to kick your dog would it be prejudice to try and stop this.

Hunting was natural when we did it for food do people eat foxes no they kill them and show them off its nothing to do with natural instinct so there is no need for it . And the disgusting way in which they are killed is not needed. In fact none of it is needed .

May i add- the ';fox hunting'; going on in Iraq, im from the UK i equally think that is unfair . I was not old enough to vote when Tony Blair was elected into power nor do i think the majority of the UK believed that Tony Blair would decide to lead this country into war. I for one protested against it as did a lot of people in the UK but did they listen no they did notWhat do you think about fox hunting?
Yes, I'm with you: think it's barbaric %26amp; hate those posters, they're incorrect. It was banned democratically, most of us hate it, the hunters should just pick themselves up %26amp; get on with their lives. I live in the country %26amp; I think their arguments are complete bo***cks. If it was a group of thugs on a housing estate chasing a cat with a load of dogs, would it be legal? They should stop whingeing - times have moved on.
I couldnt personally do it - I mean I have trouble with killing spiders and that I just cant take a life away from something that was just going about its life without hurting anyone. As for other peoples preferences - I definitely wouldnt ever oppose laws that prohibit it but Im not going to join groups trying to stop it. Yes its sad in a Bambi sort of way - but people have been hunting animals since the cavemen so its probably not going to stop.
I understand your point of view,but feel that these decisions should be left to the experts, whilst it is possible to ban people from killing foxes how do we then stop foxes from killing chickens etc, maybe we should stop fishing, grouse shooting and seeing as that we are in the e.c maybe Bullfighting in Spain. Is horse racing cruel because horses get injured maybe we should ban that, but then people get injured boxing so lets ban that as well, and while we're at it lets ban motor sport because there are a lot of bad crashes, but there are a lot of crashes on the roads so lets ban cars, and so it goes on and on and on.
It's hideous. I haven't heard any arguments that even come close to its justification. Some answers state that hunting is natural. This argument doesn't stand up in our society. More or less all aspects of our live are not natural. No-one in the uk hunts foxes for food, or to pevent agricultural decimation as others maintain. But its no worse than factory farming meat, overfishing of setting mousetraps.
I am against hunting of all kinds. I believe animals should be killed humanely by farmers only. Hunting for sport is just wrong. I believe in the right to arm bears!!!! Not the right to bear arms!!!
i supported the ban on fox hunting not because of the rights of the innocent, indigenous wildlife but because i want the scum that sit on the backs of their horses to be deprived of the pleasure they derive from it. just that. it's vindictive but i do not care.
i love going to the bar,have a few drinks,scope out the foxes,plan my move and which pickup line i will use...............ohhhhhhhh mannnnnn..................ur not talking about the same foxes i am.......i am so sorry.........where is my head at today?
I want to got it seems alwsome
people like you are entitled to your opinion, just move to Canada to voice it
I agree its disgusting %26amp; them that do it are inhuman.Yes I get angry at the stuck up self righteous aristracrates.They should lock the lot up including the royal family.
The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible.

Unlike the majority of you folks I have no problem shooting a problem fox. If he has learned that lambs are easier to catch than rabbits then he can have a 223 in the chest and I won't lose any sleep over his death.

But the whole pro and anti fox hunting argument is dishonest. On the pro side it isn't a good way of controlling foxes and it doesn't result in the death of the problem ones. On the anti side, these are wild carnivores, the eat little bunny rabbits alive as the scream for mercy, a fox will cause much more suffering to the little fluffy creatures of the countryside than an oik on a horse ever will.

Foxes don't have any easy way out of this life, they don't go to the old fox home and blather about the near miss they once had with a combine on the back 40. They get bad teeth and starve to death, or they freeze to death in the winter, or they get hit by a car and crawl off and die some time later, or they get mixed up with a farm dog and get an infected bite that putrifies and kills them. Being chased down and murdered by a pack of idiots on horseback isn't significantly worse than that.

But that's not what this is all about, it's a bunch of horsey people, many of who are the sort you'd most like to see fall off a horse and others who are local secretaries and car mechanics, who use this as an excuse to ride around over land they wouldn't otherwise be allowed on. As a former horse rider and mountain biker I can tell you that horses do a lot more damage to paths than mountain bikes or pedestrians. But on the other hand we have a bunch of townies that know two fifths of bugger all about where their food comes from and how it ends up on their table, their argument doesn't get beyond ';poor fluffy fox, looks just like my doggie, poor doggie'; and ';those look like rich people, I hate rich people, they should stop';.

My friends farm in Northumberland, mixed cattle, sheep, arrable and contracting. These days it's not far above subsistance, no new cars, no posh holidays. They don't agree with fox hunting and didn't allow the hunt on their land. They also don't agree with idiots from Gosforth and Daras Hall turning up and telling them how to farm.

So in the end I could care less about the hunting, it didn't do much to the fox population and it gave the animal rights people something to focus on that didn't involve digging up dead relatives of guinea pig breeders (what scum digs up a corpse from a grave yard) and threatening publicans children because he serves farmed game (The Cockerel, Broom, Bedfordshire - I think it was ostrich or aligator that caused the idiots to lose the plot, and the name doesn't have the last four letters, the nany editor blanks out the short form of the name).

Hmm, barbaric, a good word for the behavior of the animals rights people too.
I respect your opinion. I don't happen to agree with you. If you are American or British and I suspect you may be one or t'other, there is quite a bit of fox-hunting going on in IRAQ right now but they are using humans instead of foxes.
Lets bring back wolf, and evolution will the rest.
You know what's really stupid?

That all you people really believe fox hunting, in the manner that you are thinking of, horses and hounds and tooting horns, is still done with any regularity. In the States there is practically no one left that does it, anyway...it pretty much sunsetted in the fifties.

And you know what? Foxes are yet another of the critters out there that do quite well living in suburbs and in and around cities, and are among the first critters to get rabies. You know how you get rabies?

When a carnivore over populates, rabies invariably occurs.

When your kid has been bitten by a rabies-infested coon or fox, come cry to me about fox hunting, of any kind.
Fox hunting should only be allowed as a sport when the fox is given a pack of hounds and given the opportunity to hunt down to exhaustion a fat oaf on a horse, then rip the b*stard apart whilst he is still alive. When this sport is an equal playing field then I will support fox hunting.

Of course there's always the argument that they kill livestock just for pleasure (notice the hypocrisy?) and are a nuisance to farmers etc. Well that's what fox's do, so if you don't like it then get out of the countryside!!

And my last point is that we live in a democracy and its now illegal.
what a bunch of tree-hugging hippies!! Hunting is natural.. do it
its legals get over it nobody ask you its our right to hunt or fish hunters are fighting back against you tree huggers you run your mouths about thing you have no ideal what your talking about what do you think would happen if there was no hunters you'd be up to your *** with sick animals are you going to pay to have there medical needs met bye the way how much have gave for wild life conservation i pay hundreds of dollars each year and hunting controls the population of different animals
fox-hunting is for mental people, personally i think the same thing you do, BARBARIC! i mean really, killing a fox to eat its carcass is just mental, i love all animals that wont hurt me
No easy answer I'm afraid. I have shot and fished for the table. If you eat meat I think it important that you confront the necessity of killing, provided this is done quickly and as humanely as possible. Fox control is a regretable neccesity. Gassing, poisoning and shooting all have their drawbacks. I do worry about the mentality of people who apparently relish riding after hounds-perhaps they are less sensitive to suffering and distress than most. To me, and this is perhaps a personal prejudice, fox-hunting belongs to one end of a spectrum of 'blood sports' which includes otter hunting (illegal now?), stag hunting and has at its extremes bull-fighting, badger and bear baiting which most would regard as vile, barbaric and disgusting. Serial killers often start their careers torturing and killing animals before graduating to human prey- I would therefore have serious concerns about your previous respondent.
It is horrible. I totally agree with you.
Fox tails sale for $10.00 a pop in Georgia and the hide is smooth pelt...not like Beaver.

I prefer to watch it on TV
I say that the majority of people answering this question are townies. They do realise, I hope that now hunting is banned there are going to be fewer foxes about as it's not illegal to shoot them. 9 times out of 10 the fox would escape a hunt and only the weak or sick ones would be captured. Now that they are going to be caught in the rifle sights they have NO chance of getting away.
It should be banned! Killing any animal for support is cruel. The fox is literally torn to shreds by the hounds. It's sickening!
It is interesting to me that the majority of well thought out opinions belong to those not against fox hunting!

';Chris H'; has made numerous excellent points. The summary of life in nature is that it's cruel, tough, and a constant struggle. Think off all the rabbits, mice, chickens, and game birds the fox has chased and leapt upon, biting deeply into their flesh, ripping and tearing, blood spurting, animals crying out...

It's the same thing. Dogs, much like, lions, tigers, and wolves have often hunted in packs. The only difference is, man rides along for the conclusion of the hunt. The enjoyment is not in the slow torturous death of the fox, but in the fast paced, adrenaline packed, race of the hunt. The conclusion is the reward, it signifies triumph, and ability, months of dog training, and years of breeding, horse training and time spent for the culmination of that event. That event signifies ability, competence, and achievement.

Is it barbaric? Uncivilised, cruel behavior not worthy of civilized (highly cultured in refinement or taste) people? Well it would be interesting to note that early hunts of this type were often for nobility as the common man could not afford the horses, and in some cases did not have the right to hunt the land. So it was the highest of scoiety that engaged in these pursuits. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunting)

So I would say no to barbarism as it is completely natural. It provides an economic boost, it provides habitat for other creatures (as much of hunting does, because it is the hunter who often pays for habitat) . (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_hunting鈥?/a>

It may seem hurtful to those who are shielded from the realities of life. But every living thing in the world is struggling, eating somethign else. Every insect, bird, snake, lion, cow is a part of this cycle of life. To be a hunter is merely to be a part of the natural world. To be closer to life itself. Those that would deny man that innate need are to distracted by pop culture, and fuzzy wuzzy bunny attitude, that is delusional.

It is a prejudice! People who think it's horrible, usually do not have well thought out ideas or reasons. They make decisions based on emotional impulses.

This is prejudice! (Prejudice is, as the name implies, the process of ';pre-judging'; something. In general, it implies coming to a judgment on the subject before learning where the preponderance of the evidence actually lies, or formation of a judgement without direct or actual experience. Holding a politically unpopular view is not in itself prejudice, and not all politically popular views are free of prejudice.)
Cheese whiz...
personally i detest hunting of any kind. but i also agree with peoples right to choice in all matters, within reason of course.

i don't know why ppl hunt but i think country folk have problems with fox's killing their stock though i wish they would find a more humane way of eradicating them
I agree entirely with you. How would that person like if I put them in the forest and had dogs chasing them and me shooting at them?
Aww, poor little foxes! They are soo cute! Do people actually eat them? If they don't then that is just cruel!
fox huntings barbaric entertainment for the rich with nothing better to do with their time. they call it sport, but if a football game was 11 against one i dont think u could really call that a fair match could u ? its sick entertainment. id like to chase them with a gun through the forest on a horse with dogs an guns.
I think it is bad
  • wrinkles
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