Friday, August 6, 2010

What is the best time of the hunting season to use doe urine for attractant?

|You can use doe urine all season long if you want. I have used it as a lure and to cover scent. The best time during the season though has to be during the rut where the bucks are actively trying to hook up with the does.

I sometimes will use a drag scent wick with doe urine on it behind me as I walk to my stand, especially if it is a stand I use repeatedly just to cover my tracks and not spook the deer with a human scent.

I really like the doe in heat Estrus as the best lure during the rut though. In either case make sure you are using scent that was packaged for this year. Yea, I know ';does urine go bad?'; But the answer is yes it does.

Good hunting!What is the best time of the hunting season to use doe urine for attractant?
Before it starts, don't you know.What is the best time of the hunting season to use doe urine for attractant?
the absolute best time would be the pre rut, here in the midwest, the last week of october and the first week of november. Doe urine can be used as an attractant or cover the whole season tho..
I use it all season long, bow through firearm. It is a good lure and cover scent as well. Make sure you dont leave your wicks out though. If the deer find your wick, and you are gone, you are pretty well screwed.

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