Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I want to buy my dad some good 10 gauge shot for duck hunting.?

I duck hunt with my dad and i was wondering what would be the best ind of shot to buy him. Please help choose a good type of shell that won't break my bank.I want to buy my dad some good 10 gauge shot for duck hunting.?
You are looking for shot size B,2 or 4. They can't be lead.I want to buy my dad some good 10 gauge shot for duck hunting.?
4 shot federals can be used for duck and double as goose load
I think that you can use number 4, 6, or 8 shot for ducks- you don't need anything bigger than that.

Federal has affordable shotshells, and Winchester and Remington loads are usually inexpensive, too.
Depending on the state in which you hunt the regulations may differ but I believe that most states have gone non-toxic in shot composition (aka no lead). It also helps to know if it's a double/single barrel,auto, etc because recoil/velocity might be an issue if it's an auto. Try midwayusa.com for a good selection and respectable prices. If all else fails try asking him early what's his favorite or perhaps an old hunting buddy of his.

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