I am shocked that a Marine might have killed a puppy. I also do not like people who hunt deer and birds. Why do people thinking hunting is okay?Why aren't people shocked by hunting of animals?
because they balance out the population of that animal. your only allowed to hunt certain animals during certain seasons. other wise the animal will get to over populated. take deer for an example. when they become over popluated their food source will decrease and they will come to where we live in search for food. they could cause accidents. they could die from cars. i think thats why but idk.
im am totally against hunting. but thats just me i eat meat i just couldnt bring myself to kill an animal with my bare hands. i would only do it if the animal was in severe pain or to put it out of its miserey and alos that marine has something coming to him.Why aren't people shocked by hunting of animals?
1) If you are anything but a complete vegan you are a hypocrite.
2) In many areas, especially where I live, the deer are vastly overpopulated. Many starve to death through the harsh winter because of their numbers. This death is both unnecessary suffering and a wasted natural resource.
3) Game meats such as venison are the most organic food you will find. An animal that has ranged free his whole life and ate only forest foods. It died in by fair chase and sure kill as opposed to farmed meat.
4) If you bag enough meat, the sport can more than pay for itself and feed your family all year. For my wife and I, this is a nice supplement to our food supply.
5) You probably ';hurt'; animals all the time, but are so far removed from the process that you don't even know you are doing it. Do you where leather? Eat or drink dairy? Did the lumber used to construct your home displace animals when it was harvested.
Hunting helps the species and thant's the bottom line.
When you cook them, they taste good
Why are people shocked at the fact that the animals are put here by god for a reason?.. to EAT. + overpopulation = bad
mmmmmm meeeaatttt
Would you be more shocked to see a young wild animal starving to death because overpopulation and man taking over natural food sources has drained the needed food to sustain a booming population? I eat what I hunt. God put us on earth to be over all animals.
Why isn't hunting OK? Mankind has been hunting and slaughtering animals for tens of thousands of years. Why is it suddenly not OK?
Cry me a river. It's okay to hunt because people like to eat 3 meals a day. They way I see it is; If your gunna shoot it, you'd better eat it (unless it's a person or a target).
Hunting=Yummy dinner
Throwing a puppy off a cliff= mindless cruelty
This is apples and oranges here
why should people be shocked by hunting? if you don't like hunting don't hunt otherwise who cares.
What are you talking about with the puppy off a cliff? The one I saw on YouTube was cartoon joke, is there one out there?
Hunting is totally natural, we are omnivores, the only time I do not like it is when someone kills something they are not going to eat. I do not understand hunting lions, tigers, etc...unless you do it with a spear or something, now that would be sporting!
Because hunting is okay. Our ancestors hunted and we have have kept that tradition alive. Some people still subsistence hunt. I see no reason why hunting could possibly be bad.
Hunting puts food on people tables. Cheaper than buying meat in the stores, great way to stay in shape from all the hiking, great way to see the country side. Last time I check Humans are predatory, always have, always will.
I used to be like you, even before I joined the Corps and could be asked to bear arms against my fellow man. Much has changed since then. God gave us dominion over the animals. There used to be a lot bigger and much more dangerous wildlife in the past. We have earned the right to hunt and control our world. As for myself, I do not hunt when there is no need to. I get enough meet from the grocery store. But I would to survive. And I have noticed that the only people who ask questions like this are from the cities and have never even seen a cow or chicken.
But it IS OK for someone in a slaughterhouse to slit animals throats and butcher them for you to eat, and to make your belts, shoes and jackets out of?
What is the difference?
One, you don't see it - someone else does it, then packages it nicely for you, so you can pretend an animal didn't die.
The other, people are doing it like they've done it since the beginning of time.
It's hypocritical to say there's something wrong with it.
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