Friday, August 6, 2010

Is it illegal to use automatic weapons for hunting?

It is illegal in most states to use automatic weapons for hunting.

The primary reason for this is that automatic autos usually have lower muzzle velocities than true rifles.

Bullets fired from automatics tend to *icepick* through their target and don't do enough damage to kill the animal outright.

This causes unnessecary suffering of the animal and has thus been ruled inhumane.

In other scenarious, auto's like uzi's and mac-10's don't have the power to penetrate deep into the hides of most land animals and they instead cause extreme suffering - like if someone were to shoot a human with ball bearings from a bb gun.

Another reason auto's are illegal is because they pose a danger to other hunters. If you sprayed an uzi at a deer, most of your shots aren't going to hit it. They will instead fly through the woods and threaten other lives.Is it illegal to use automatic weapons for hunting?
Assuming that you don't mean ';semi-automatic';, most states that allow full automatic ownership do not specify the use of full auto in their fish and game manuals.It is generally assumed that when hunting legal game a sportsman will use a sporting firearm.

By the same token, when in the field, it will be a game warden or other official that will make the preliminary decision as to whether or not you are hunting ';legally';.

See you in court!Is it illegal to use automatic weapons for hunting?
Yes it is.
Fully automatic weapons are illegal for hunting. Different states have different regulations for semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. Most will only limit the capacity size of the magazine to five bullets and three for shotguns.

full auto yes. semi-auto no.
I all ready answered this with a YES
yes it is.. plus you wouldn't want to use automatic when hunting
Yes it is, although many of the full auto weapons are capable of killing a deer. (1250+fps is all that's needed) Most full auto weapons are only accurate the 1st shot when fired in full auto.The other shots would be over your target.Possibly killing another hunter.Hunting responsibly means making sure you know where EVERY shot is placed., this isn't possible with a machine gun.
Yep, especially if your hunting people.
Not if you're in the armed forces and hunting humans.
u can own a ful automatic weapon in the great usa
yeah. you can use semi-auto with 3 rounds in some states though

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