Friday, August 6, 2010

When hunting wolverines,is it better to smear yourself with bacon fat before running through the woods?

I am a long Alaskan hunter and trapper. If you are very lucky - a wolverine will be the least of your problems. Both bears and mountain men are attracted to the scent of bacon. So - be sure to buy Ammo-on-A-Rope...... you don't want to drop it.When hunting wolverines,is it better to smear yourself with bacon fat before running through the woods?
No, no, no, no, no! The first principle in hunting is NEVER BE THE BAIT!!

If by some unfortunate twist of fate, you ARE the bait then, sure, smear yourself with bacon fat. In fact, go ahead and add some mayonaisse, lettuce and tomato so the wolverine thinks you're a BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich). Maybe you can hold a bag of fritoes or potato chips under your arm so you can be a complete meal.

I still say spray some other poor sucker with lady wolverine sweat or, better, yet, female wolverine pheromones. If he's horny and fully loaded, ready to fire, then he's less able to fight. When hunting wolverines,is it better to smear yourself with bacon fat before running through the woods?
Actually, cover yourself with bacon grease and then find a large rock or pile of snow to lay on. Your scent will drift through the woods, attracting wolverines to you. They are quite cuddly, you know.
Actually, smearing fresh blood should do much better than bacon grease. As stated above, bacon grease is an excellent mountain man attractant

Squeel like a pig for me, Boy!!

Squeeeee, squeeee
What you're going to want to do is spray yourself with bear repellent (works like bug spray) after you put on the bacon grease. Let us know how it goes for you!

That's gotta be the funniest troll I've seen in a while. Props, man, props.
Only if you are the bait!
Only if you got a purdy mouth!!!

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