Friday, August 6, 2010

What would be a better choice for hunting deer, a 30.06 or a 7mm mag??

im looking to buy my first rifle and need a little guidence. i live in PA and am only looking to hunt big game. i just need some advice on which weapon would be perfered. thanksWhat would be a better choice for hunting deer, a 30.06 or a 7mm mag??
My short answer is the '06.

Really though you should talk to hunters in your group or people that hunt in similar situations that you will experience. There is no substitute for experience in this area.

These people who are talking about 300+ yard shots do not hunt your neighborhood. I have hunted WI every year since 1970. I have killed well over 60 deer with a rifle in that time and have never had a shot over 175 yards. Most are well under 100, many at less than 50 yards. I have always considered PA to be similar to WI.

Good Luck!What would be a better choice for hunting deer, a 30.06 or a 7mm mag??
7mm is a long and fast shooter, and in most models really are a pain in the *** to carry. All, I mean all large game, do not have some crazy bulletproof armor on. 308 is a very under rated caliber. I killed a moose two years ago with one shot from a 7mm x 57, thats the little one. He walked 25 yards and dropped. I hunt deer with a 300 savage, it's not huge, or armor piercing. But I can walk all day and not measure a six inch difference in my arms. Well as to your actual question, I recently looked at a Remington Ultra Mag, sounds big and meaty, and it is. However, I believe I will be buying a remington 700 chambered in 30-06. I can buy ammo in most weights and in most gas stations. Gotta love Maine!
Both will kill everything you are planning on hunting just fine out to 300 yards.+ The dead animal will never know the difference between the two. Since this is your first rifle, you should shoot it alot so that you are used to it and are very proficient with it. 7mm Rem Mag ammo is a few dollars more per box than the .30-06 for basic hunting ammunition. Surplus .30-06 is still available from the CMP for target practice. There is no such type of ammunition for the 7mm.

For strictly deer hunting a .270 Winchester is fine. Between the .30-06 Springfield and any of 7mm Mags I'd go with the '06 due to ammo cost and availability. If you are asking about the 7mm Remington Magnum, that one is nearly ballistically identical to the .30-06 with the '06 shooting a slightly wider bullet and being available in more diverse bullet weights. I keep going back to my old tried-n-true Remington .25-06 when all I'm hunting is deer. This is a stellar deer caliber.

Happy hunting.


a 30-06 because it wont blow the deer up it can have a very low or higher han the 7mm mag's energy and penetration and expansion but if your hunting at a longer range than 300 yards with the 06 then you will want the 7mm mag because its got a flatter trajectory and at longer range it has more energy and accuracy than th 06
Both are of these cartridges can be used on deer... Some think they are a little on the big side for deer but will work well.......

I do suggest the 30-06... Its more common, more popular and is always in stock at any sport shop in North America....

If I can make an alternative suggestion - consider the .308 Winchester... Its a common military round that will work quite well on deer... One major advantage the .308 has is it can be bought in bulk and is cheaper then the 30-06 and 7MM.... You can spend a lot of time practicing without cleaning your wallet out... Of course use the good stuff when hunting but why blow thru a small fortune in ammo to become a good marks man???

Check this site out... Its more geared towards target shooting but the info is still quite relevant....

Check these ammo prices out....鈥?/a>
the 30.06 does not have as much recoil (kick) as the 7mm. both cartriges will get the job done just fine, you should look at where you will be hunting and the distances of your typical shots. Compare that with the balistic's charts for both bullets and that should help you narrow it down.
Both are significantly over-powered for deer. There's nothing wrong with that (you can't kill them too dead), but the fact simply is that with more power in reserve than you'll ever use, it really makes not a whit of difference.
I am a big fan of the 30-06. It will take down just about anything in N. America. Almost everybody makes a model in the 06 and there are too many commercial loads available to count. You will never go wrong with a 06 in your gun case.
I own both and my 7mm is much more accurate. It costs slightly more but it is worth it in accuracy. The recoil is nearly the same. 30.06 is an older cartridge and is easier to find and less expensive.

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